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Administration Guide

Dosing and injection instructions

Dose Escalation Schedule

This table outlines the recommended dosage increase schedule for semaglutide, based on clinical studies. It’s designed to help your body gradually adjust to the medication while minimizing potential side effects.

WeeksWeekly dose for weight loss
Dose escalationWeek 1-4
(month 1)
0.25 mg
Week 5-8
(month 2)
0.5 mg
Week 9-12
(month 3)
1 mg
Week 13-16
(month 4)
1.7 mg
Maintenance doseWeek 17 and onward
(month 5+)
2.4 mg

When to increase your dose?

Not everyone needs to increase their dose—some people respond well at lower levels and can stay there comfortably. The escalation is recommended, but it’s always up to you and how your body feels.

If you reach a weight loss plateau, that may be a good time to increase your dose.
If you experience side effects or discomfort, it’s okay to delay dose escalation or temporarily reduce your dose.

Semaglutide PDF Guides for Every Kit

Our semaglutide is supplied in powder form, which means it needs to be mixed with bacteriostatic water before use. To make the process simple and stress-free, we’ve created detailed step-by-step PDF guides for each kit we offer.

These guides include:

Whether you’re just starting or continuing your journey, download the guide for your kit below to ensure safe and effective use.

New here? Not sure which kit is right for you?

Explore how each plan works and find the one that fits your goals.

2 mg Vial Dosages & Guide

For the 2 mg vial, you can use either 1 mL or 2 mL of water. With smaller doses, 2 mL of water is easier to measure, and with larger doses, 1 mL would be more convenient.

The second and third columns of the chart below tell you how much solution to draw into the syringe so that it contains the desired dose.

Swipe right to see the full chart →

If added 1 mL of bacteriostatic water, draw:If added 2 mL of bacteriostatic water, draw:
0.25 mg dose
(8 doses in one vial)
12.5 units (0.125 mL)25 units (0.25 mL)
0.5 mg dose
(4 doses in one vial)
25 units (0.25 mL)50 units (0.5 mL)
1 mg dose
(2 doses in one vial)
50 units (0.5 mL)Not recommended for the dose of 1 mg as a large volume of liquid (1 mL/100 units) can be uncomfortable to inject.
1.7 mg dose
(1 dose in one vial)
85 units (0.85 mL)Not recommended for the dose of 1.7 mg (170 units/1.7 mL) as this would exceed the 1 mL syringe capacity, so it's better to stick with 1 mL of water for this dose.

Download 2 mg vial guidelines in PDF

1-6 Weeks Starter Guide

Use this guide if you’re just beginning your semaglutide journey. It provides detailed instructions for mixing and injecting your 2 mg semaglutide vial, starting with the lowest dose of 0.25 mg per week and following a dosage escalation schedule over the first 6 weeks.

Semaglutide 2 mg


5 mg Vial Dosages & Guide

For the 5 mg vial, 2 mL of water is generally more convenient for drawing up doses and keeps injection volumes low. However, 1 mL is also possible.

The second and third columns of the chart below tell you how much solution to draw into the syringe to achieve the desired dose.

Swipe right to see the full chart →

If added 1 mL of bacteriostatic water, draw:If added 2 mL of bacteriostatic water, draw:
0.25 mg dose
(20 doses in one vial)
Not recommended for the dose of 0.25 mg as drawing can be difficult due to the very small volume of liquid involved (0.05 mL/5 units).10 units (0.1 mL)
0.5 mg dose
(10 doses in one vial)
10 units (0.1 mL)20 units (0.2 mL)
1 mg dose
(5 doses in one vial)
20 units (0.2 mL)40 units (0.4 mL)
1.7 mg dose
(3 doses in one vial)
34 units (0.34 mL)68 units (0.68 mL)
2.4 mg dose
(2 doses in one vial)
48 units (0.48 mL)Not recommended for the dose of 2.4 mg as a large volume of liquid (0.96 mL/96 units) can be uncomfortable to inject.

Download 5 mg vial guidelines in PDF

1-10 Weeks Starter Guide

Use this guide if you’re just beginning your semaglutide journey. It provides detailed instructions for mixing and injecting your 5 mg semaglutide vial, starting with the lowest dose of 0.25 mg per week and following a dosage escalation schedule over the first 10 weeks.

Semaglutide 5 mg


Semaglutide Mixing Instructions

Uncover the rubber stopper by removing the plastic cap from the semaglutide vial


Uncover the rubber stopper by removing the plastic cap from the bacteriostatic water vial


Safeguard against bacterial contamination by swabbing the rubber stoppers with alcohol pads


Insert the needle of the syringe into the rubber stopper of the bacteriostatic water vial


Withdraw the desired amount of bacteriostatic water from the vial by slowly pulling back the plunger to the corresponding mark on the syringe


Once the bacteriostatic water is in the syringe, remove the needle from the vial of the bacteriostatic water and insert it into the rubber stopper of the semaglutide vial


Add bacteriostatic water into the semaglutide vial gradually by injecting


Swirl the solution gently until complete dissolution of the peptide. Avoid shaking the vial


How to Store Reconstituted Semaglutide


Store peptides reconstituted with solvent in the refrigerator, typically at temperatures ranging from 2°C to 8°C.


Consider dividing the reconstituted semaglutide solution into smaller aliquots. This reduces the risk of degradation.


Clearly label the containers with the date of reconstitution and the concentration of the solution. This helps in tracking the age and potency of the solution.

Do Not Freeze

Do not freeze semaglutide reconstituted semaglutide as this will cause the product to lose its properties and effectiveness.

Learn More About Semaglutide

Have questions about semaglutide?
Go to our Semaglutide FAQ to learn more, or contact us.

*Please do not use the following dosing instructions if you use semaglutide vials from another supplier. Contact your supplier for the appropriate instructions, as these can vary depending on the vial.

To create a solution for injection, you can add up to 2 mL of bacteriostatic water into your semaglutide vial. We do not recommend adding more than 2 mL.

Below is a breakdown of how to dose semaglutide and how many doses you can get from each vial.

  • Ensure all reconstitution steps are performed under aseptic conditions to prevent contamination.
  • Use sterile vials, syringes, and needles throughout the process.
  • Determine the desired concentration of the peptide solution based on your experimental requirements.
  • Add bacteriostatic water to the semaglutide slowly and in small quantities to avoid loss of peptide during reconstitution.
  • Gently swirl the vial to dissolve the peptide. Avoid shaking, as it may cause foaming or denaturation.
  • Allow the lyophilized powder to dissolve fully. This may take some time depending on the peptide and its solubility.
  • If the peptide solution contains undissolved particles, consider using a sterile syringe filter to remove any particulate matter.

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