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How Much Is Ozempic Without Insurance? | All Factors to Consider

Ozempic isn’t known for being affordable. Most people rely on their insurance coverage to pay at least part of the price. What if you don’t have that option, though?

There’s no need to spend all your savings to lose weight with Ozempic. When you consider all the alternatives available, you have a higher chance of saving quite some money. Below, you’ll find information about how to buy Ozempic without spending too much on it.

First, we’ll give you an overview of how much your Ozempic prescription may cost without insurance. Once we’re done, we’ll provide you with a few tips on how to maximize savings.

How Much Does Ozempic Cost Without Insurance?

The price of Ozempic varies depending on the provider. It ranges from $900 to $1,300.

Unfortunately, that’s way too expensive for people without a commercial insurance plan.

Why Is Ozempic Expensive?

There are many reasons why Ozempic has such a high cost. The first one involves patents. As long as the current patent doesn’t expire, it’ll be complicated to get your hands on a generic version, and generic versions of a medication tend to be much cheaper.

Ozempic’s cost is also affected by demand. The medication has become viral over the past few months. Some celebrities have mentioned Ozempic’s “magical” effects, making people even more interested than before.

Unfortunately, the higher demand met a shortage in supply. In other words, Ozempic is harder to find than ever. Scarcity makes the price go unnecessarily high in some places. You’ll have to consider different providers until you find the one with the lowest cost.

Does Public or Private Insurance Cover Ozempic?

You may be wondering: “Does Medicare cover Ozempic?” Others are trying their luck with different state health programs or private insurers. Medicare, for example, only covers Ozempic through its “Medicare Part D” plan.

The short answer is that most insurance companies will cover the cost of Ozempic, at least partially. However, most insurers will cover Ozempic for people with diabetes. They will not cover drugs for weight loss alone.

If you want to afford Ozempic through insurance, it may not be possible if you don’t get it prescribed for type 2 diabetes.

Even if you have insurance, the coverage depends on your plan. Check for eligibility to determine how much you’re expected to pay after insurance.

How Can You Save Money on Ozempic?

What happens if you can’t cover the cost of Ozempic through insurance? Should you give up?

Not at all. You may try a few of the following tips to find the ideal price. From checking your local pharmacy to applying to discount programs, you still have many alternatives available.

Consider Telehealth Companies for a Prescription

Telehealth services have changed the way people seek care. Unlike in-person treatments, these companies encourage you to seek personal wellness.

While telehealth companies won’t help you with the cost of Ozempic directly, they can make your appointments more affordable. In-person doctor visits are already expensive. Throwing in the cost of Ozempic will only make things worse.

By saving a bit of money through telehealth services, you may have more to spend out of pocket for Ozempic. This isn’t too convenient compared to other solutions, but it makes a slight difference.

Apply for a Savings Card

Savings cards entitle you to a discount. Try to find a reputable company that offers them, and apply it when buying from a participating pharmacy.

In some cases, a savings card could save you hundreds of dollars each month.

Besides savings cards, you may also consider coupons. Many companies offer these to help you reduce the cost of your prescription.

Finding these coupons or cards isn’t easy. Remember, a lot of people are looking for Ozempic right now, so you’ll have to dig deep to find the right solution.

Look for Discount Programs

You can apply to prescription discount programs to pay less for Ozempic. Although some people call them “coupons,” these programs require a membership. They’re slightly different from savings cards.

A diabetes savings offer program, for example, could help those with such a condition save money on their purchase. Unfortunately, the program may only work for those with type 2 diabetes.

Some pharmacies also offer discounts that may interest you. A company could charge you less for Ozempic if you buy a bigger supply of it.

Apply to Patient Assistance Programs

A Patient Assistance Program (PAP) can help you afford Ozempic. These are for patients with no health insurance. It may also work if you’re underinsured and can’t pay the full price of Ozempic.

Patient Assistance Programs are managed by different entities besides pharmaceutical companies, including government agencies and nonprofits. Depending on your case, a PAP could cover the entire cost of Ozempic or give you a discount.

The benefits you receive depend on the program you get. Also, keep in mind that most programs come with different eligibility requirements.

Usually, these are the requirements that companies ask for:

  • Prove you’re uninsured/underinsured

  • Be a permanent and legal resident of the United States

  • Meet specific income eligibility requirements

To apply for a PAP, you can call the provider or register online. You’ll have to submit different forms to prove your eligibility.

Something we should note is that PAP coverage may only be available for people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. People looking for Ozempic for weight loss purposes may not be eligible for PAP benefits.

Get a Health Insurance Plan

It may seem obvious, but getting a health insurance policy is one of the best ways to save money on Ozempic. Even if buying a policy seems expensive, it will always be better than purchasing long-term Ozempic treatments.

Think about how long you’ll use Ozempic. If the answer is: “Several months or longer,” you could greatly benefit from a health insurance plan.

What if you can’t find a low-cost insurance policy? Consider signing up for Medicaid. It was designed for low-income individuals. If you got Ozempic prescribed for treating diabetes, you may be eligible for one of these programs.

Compare Prices to Find the Best One

The last tip is to take your time when looking for Ozempic. Always shop for the best price. This doesn’t mean you should go to any provider online and buy from them. Many scammers are taking advantage of Ozempic’s popularity to offer products that don’t work.

Ozempic’s price can vary greatly between pharmacies and online shops. Sometimes, you could even save hundreds of dollars on your purchase.

Websites like and SemaGenex offer branded Ozempic, semaglutide, and other alternatives that you may find interesting.

When buying Ozempic, remember the treatment length. You won’t pay the same amount of money for a month of treatment than a year of it. Adjusting your treatment expectations may help you save some money in the process.

Should You Consider an Ozempic Alternative?

We know how frustrating it can be not to find a decent deal for Ozempic. Finding the medication is already hard enough. Throwing in its excessive price might put people off their purchase.

Is getting an alternative a viable option? Sometimes, your provider could prescribe another GLP-1 agonist. These may have a similar effect on your body. Unfortunately, most of these products share similar prices.

You could try to compare prices until you get to the best one, but that’s about it. Check out reputable websites like for better deals.

Bottom Line

Why Am I Not Losing Weight on Semaglutide

Ozempic is an expensive medication. Without insurance coverage, treatment becomes unaffordable and inaccessible for most people.

Thankfully, there are alternatives to consider. By following the tips mentioned above, you could get Ozempic for a lower price.

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